Sunday, July 12, 2009

Welcome to London!

Well! We are here! Priase the Lord! It has been a long day, or night, or maybe both...? Our internal clocks are slightly confused. Our flight departed the Calgary airport around 9h30 pm on Saturday, and we arrived in London at what our bodies felt like is 6h30 am on Sunday... which was actually 1h30 pm London time! And now here I sit, in the Twynholm church that is hosting us at 3h30 pm. Most of us are tired, and feeling a bit queezy, but nothing a good sleep won't fix! :)

There are so many little things I could share about, but I think the most important thing for everyone to know, is how the Lord allowed us into this country! When we arrived at the airport and were going through the immigration line, I was first up - and lucky for me, the officer who's desk I was called to was not overly interested in what I was doing in London as soon as he saw in my passport that I was from Nova Scotia. His family went on holiday there a couple years ago, and my being from there seemed enough for him to allow me into the country with very few questions. It was actually pretty sweet, because he then proceeded to tell me of his whole visit and how his son was working in the Tall Ships festival... all sweet memories of home for me! :)

A few of the other team members did not have the same experience I did getting through customs, and long story short, we were all called back - because they told us that even though we are not being paid for the dancing we will be doing; we still would require a work visa for the performances we will be doing. We were told that we would need to stay there, while they contacted our hosts, and figured out if it would be possible to get us working visas. As this was taking place, we began to pray, that the Lord would work everything out. He is so faithful, and powerful!! Shortly after this, we were all allowed in, with only a warning and not requiring the visas. So we are all feeling so blessed and excited that God has worked out every last detail to allow us to be here!

We are currently resting in the curch, waiting to find out details on where we will be staying. The team is going to be split up and staying in different homes. Things will be off to a busy start, as we have our first show tomorrow morning bright and early at 8h30 am (which will be 1h30 am to our confused little bodies!) so we are praying for energy and strength... and that jet leg will not take too strong a hold! We were really blessed with our flight, as it was all night for us - allowing us to arrive around the time we would normally be waking up!

There are many more things I could share I am sure.. but I think I will join everyone in rest, as I didn't really sleep on the flight last night.. Please be praying for us that our bodies will make the time switch quickly, as we are getting right into the swing of things this week!

Know that we are so blessed, and excited to be here! I can't wait to keep sharing the wonderful things God is doing here already! :) Talk to you soon!

Blessings on you!

- Robin :)


  1. We are so glad as well as happy for you all!! Be safe, enjoy this most special time. We love reading the blog :)Sounds like your experience with the immigration was a bit more than bargined for :) Too bad you all were not from the "Good old east coast"... Love. Mom and Dad... (A&S)

  2. The Lord is faithful! entering into places, no matter how dark, is what happens when we place our trust in Him. Our Father sure has it all worked out and i love how it astounds me every time that i hear another story of how He comes through in seemingly impossible situations in ways that are more than we ask for or can imagine. He is so good to his children!
