Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It Begins!

Well, the team is reunited! We have been at training camp at the Venture Teams International (VTI) lodge outside of Calgary for three days, and will remain here for approximately two weeks. It has been great to be reunited as a team, though there have been a few adjustments. We are without three members who danced with us throughout the school year. Though we miss them, we are excited about the ministries that the Lord has called them to be a part of this summer. We have the pleasure of being joined by a new member, Caralee Savage, who will travel with us to England, and be joining Refined Undignified full time team in the fall.

RU is one of three teams that are training with VTI at this time. The other two teams will be serving in Peru and Kenya this summer. We are all very busy preparing and practicing for the different ministries that we will be a part of this summer. The Peru and Kenya teams will be departing on July 5th, while RU will reamin here at the lodge to continue an intensive training program until we depart July 11th, after performing in Calgary for a youth conference.

During this intensive process we will be the most vulnerable to sickness and injury, as the number of hours we are dancing each day comes as a shock to our systems, since we have not been dancing since we left school in April.

Please be praying for us, that we would find our strength in the Lord and continually look to him to provide. The desire of our heart is to live as is written in Hebrews 10:23-24 "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." We truly desire for God's will to be done, and recognize that we have no hope of accomplishing this on our own without the support of prayer.

This blog will be updated regularly throughout our time in London. We are all very excited to share with you the joys that we know the Lord has in store for us, as we seek to serve him this summer! Thank you so much for joining with us! Blessings on you!