Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Still Preparing!!!

WOW! Yup...true story.
It's been a crazy past two weeks here at the VTI discovery lodge and off to England on July 11th, 2009. Our team is super jacked in seeing what God is doing and is going to do in and through the team in London, England. The past couple blogs have said that we have been practicing everyday dancing and guess hasn't changed. It is very exciting though. After the team being away for two months back home or wherever they were at, we came back in ROUGHHHH shape. So past two weeks was and is very beneficial.
So just thinking about it, it's been really exciting being here but tough at the same time. While being here there was a family friend that passed away last week and I was unable to be home or go to the funeral. My mom last friday was rushed to the emergency for her stomach (last time she was rushed because of her heart). Last time I was here two years ago there were similar events like those that just happened recently. And within this past year it has been more than a crazy, and probably my toughest year ever. But one thing I know from the past years, especially from this recent year is this: God is truly faithful and in control. Each of us on the team has seen over and over again in our lives that God is faithful and only His ways are best. Many or most times we don't understand things during the moment but all He is wanting in all our lives is to listen attentively and obey. As we are about to leave for England in less than two days, we are and have been constantly reminded that we are in need of Him and that is the best place to be.
We are very excited in knowing that God is going to do amazing things. Till next time,
Love in Christ,

1 comment:

  1. so exciting to hear winston! i am continuing in prayer for the team as you guys will be heading out so soon! time will fly and God will be faithful... true story! keep up the good work! that is, His good work.
    In His hands,
