Monday, July 6, 2009

Training Camp

Its been an incredible time here at VTI training lodge. We have worked hard as a team and developed really strong friendships with others who are going to serve the Lord in Kenya and Peru.

This week has flown by, it has been filled with lots of sweat, laughter and sore muscles. Each day starts off with devotions at 7:30, breakfast at 8:00, clean up, and worship and teaching, and then we dance til lunch, other teams are learning chalk art, illusion and dramas for their programs. During lunches and dinners we are privleged to hear eachothers personal salvation stories, this has been one of the richest blessings being here, and hearing about God's work in people's lives.
One day we had team building games and it was something that many people had a hard time with, our challenge was to get over a 7 foot log that was between two trees, but, we could touch the trees and we had to hold hands with our teammates in one line and never let go, we failed many times but touching the tree or letting go, but we didnt give up!

The fourth of July was a hard day for me, being the only one on the team, yet alone the whole lodge, who was American, i realized how much i felt like a foreigner. I knew all my family was meeting for the annual fireworks show in Coeur D'Alene and i wasnt going to be there. But by the end of the day, it was clear how much people cared. They surprised me with a fireworks show after singing the American national anthem, 3 times. I felt very loved.

Both teams have left for their missions and we are the only ones left for a week of continued training. It is actually very hard to feel motivated after everyone has left but we are pressing on toward the goal! We perform at Ambrose University at 7:00pm on Friday and then we leave on Saturday for London. Thank you for your prayers, we couldnt do it without them!
Until next time, Adrian.

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