Monday, July 20, 2009

Today we had the amazing opportunity to serve some of the people who have been so gracious to us since we arrived here in London. We didn't have any events planned until later on this evening so have spent the day cleaning the church. It was nice to get our hands dirty and help out in such a simple and practical way. Tonight we are attending a BBQ at All Saints Church, and then dancing for the youth group. It is always exciting anticipating the work the God has planned for these nights, especially where there is plenty of opportunity for conversations with the youth following the program.
I imagine my team mates have already included some amazing stories from the past week of performing in schools, so I will mention only one story. A young girl, 14 years old, came to our Friday night performance here at Twynhold Baptist Church. She came alone as her friends weren't interested, which already showed an amazing amount of courage. I talked to her briefly before the show, and then reconnected with her after the performance. Through the conversation she began to ask me some pretty amazing questions about who Jesus is, why bad things happen in the world, questions the easily allowed for me to share the Gospel with her. She was so curious about Christ, and it was clear that most of what I was telling her she was hearing for the first time. I asked her if she would be interested in having her own Bible to read so she could contintue to learn about Jesus. It was incredible to see this girl leaving at the end of the night, clutching her new Bible. This is just one moment of the past week which reminds me that God is faithful and when we are obedient he blesses us by allowing us to be part of his work.
Thank you so much to all of you who have been praying for RU, I'm sure many of our stories we have been sharing are a result or your prayers.

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