Sunday, August 2, 2009

Not an accent.. but Jesus.

oh if I could have a dime for every person who asks me where I am from, upon uttering a few words...

It takes no time at all for people to recognize that I am not from here. Nothing about me would suggest that I am from the UK. I am a stranger to the people I pass in the streets.. and yet, they are willing to talk to me.

I apologize if this post seems a bit incoherent.. you are getting a play by play of the thoughts that have been passing through my head for the past few days.. unconcluded.

Our team is here, humbly seeking to obey the call that God has placed on our lives for this summer.. and we are asking for intentionality in all that we do. After all; we have not been brought here to achieve our own ambitions, but for His glory!

As I am continuing to encounter people, I am realizing more and more that many people want to stop and talk just because I am not from here.

I am thankful that people want to talk to me... It is exciting that all I have to do is say one word, and it gives me an opening for conversation. I stand out.

This is a good thing, right? I want opportunities to share the Gospel of Christ - and I am getting them! But.. is this really living right? People want to know where I am from, which leads to what has brought me here... but what about when I am in Canada? Do I live with intentionality? Do I seek out opportunities to talk to the people I pass in the streets to share Christ with them? Nine times out of ten, the answer is no.

I don't want people to stop me in the streets because of my accent; but because of Jesus. I want to break out of the routine, and allow my life to SCREAM that Jesus is alive! I have hope! I have been redeemed! I am in love with the King of Kings, and He calls me his own! That is the truth... so how can I pass people on the streets who don't know this, and not tell them? I want to stand out wherever I am, because of the love of God! Not because of my accent. I want people to stop me in the streets and ask me what is different about me.. here, in Canada, and anywhere that the Lord calls me to go.

I am thankful for the opportunities that God is continuing to provide for a team of broken people. I am thankful that God is merciful and allows me to be a part of this team. This trip has been and continues to be a huge blessing. We are encountering people and have such sweet chances to talk, connect and encourage... but I can't help but be challenged to think of how this time will impact the ministry of my daily life when I return to Canada. We have a week left in England - and I am SO excited.. My prayer is that God will continue to teach me how to love him, and let that be enough.

I don't want my life to reflect that I am a foreigner of this nation, rather that I am a foreigner of this world. I don't want to stand out because of an accent, I want to stand out because of Jesus. I have life, in a dead world and I want people to notice that. I want to live a Galatians 2:20 life... "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

If you feel led, please pray that I will continue to seek transparency, and that God will continue to break my heart and place a sense of urgency in my heart for those who do not know him. Be blessed today!

- Robin


  1. Thank you Robin.. i pray that we all feel such passion for our Risen Lord.. He is good and worthy of us living in a way that brings honour to him. all to often it means stepping out in faith. but we need to be bold and not ashamed of the life that we have been given and that can be given to all who are willing to take.
    The Lord tells his ppl to be strong and couragous over and over again, i pray that we hear that command in our lives. we are free and we must live in that freedom in order for God to use us. this means being willing to be transparent and willing to stand out for Jesus!
    Life that life abundant!
    keep on shinning, blessings on all ya'll

  2. oh Robin! I am sooo happy that you wrote this! It screams TRUTH! I am so glad that you want to stand out for your faith and not anything else, and I hope and pray that I will have this same desire in my life, and that we will all stand out for our faith. Keep doing what you're doing, and don't let this desire die! Keep seeking his will! I'm praying for you guys! miss you mum! :)

  3. I just wanted to say that I was really encouraged by this post! Your desire to be more intentional about being different for Jesus is beautiful :) I can relate to being a foreigner because I am a missionary in Japan at the moment. You've given me a great reminder of what my life needs to look like when I get back to Canada. Thanks for sharing your heart!
